Doug Dartnell

Partner - Dartnell Lutz

Douglas (Doug) Dartnell

Practice Areas

Business Law
Business Litigation
Buying and Selling of Businesses
Civil Litigation
Commercial Law
Commercial Leasing
Commercial Litigation
Commercial Real Estate
Corporate Commercial Law
Corporate Finance
Corporate Law
Corporate Litigation
Corporate Taxation
Expropriation Law
Joint Ventures
Land Use
Leases and Leasing
Partnership Law
Real Estate
Residential Real Estate

Reported Decisions

  • Moore v. Bedi, 2006 CarswellAlta 89, 2006 ABCA 30, [2006] A.W.L.D. 1312, 380 A.R. 336, 363 W.A.C. 336, Alberta Court of Appeal, January 17, 2006, Docket: Calgary Appeal 0501-0375-AC;
  • Gingras v. Alberta (Crimes Compensation Board), 1995 CarswellAlta 416, 34 Alta. L.R. (3d) 29, [1996] 1 W.W.R. 216, 174 A.R. 180, 102 W.A.C. 180, Alberta Court of Appeal, September 14, 1995, Docket: Doc. Calgary Appeal 15298
  • R. v. After Dark Enterprises Ltd.; 1994 CarswellAlta 623, 157 A.R. 398, 77 W.A.C. 398, 94 C.C.C. (3d) 574, [1994] A.W.L.D. 1006, Alberta Court of Appeal, November 7, 1994, Docket: Doc. 14294
  • Black v. Black, 1987 CarswellAlta 145, 53 Alta. L.R. (2d) 118, Alberta Court of Appeal, April 15, 1987, Docket: Calgary Appeal No. 18065
  • R. v. Hood, 1986 CarswellAlta 878, [1986] A.W.L.D. 644, Alberta Court of Appeal, January 21, 1986, Docket: App. 17895


  • ISLN: 908015380
  • Admitted: 1982, Alberta
  • Member: Law Society of Alberta.
  • Languages: English